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­­­­Tours privados en la ciudad de mexico 

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Private guided tour of Puebla and Cholula</span><br>
Private guided tour of Puebla and Cholula
$4,500.00 MXN
Puebla is one of the most impressive colonial towns in Mexico, it's historical downtown is one of the world heritage places that Mexico has. Cholula is the oldest continuosly inhabited city in the continent, and also has the one that is the largest pyramid in volume in the world, both cities are known for the manufacture of talavera a special pottery with a denomination of origin.
Private tour of Cuernavaca  Xochicalco and Taxco
Private tour of Cuernavaca  Xochicalco and Taxco
$4,500.00 MXN
Cuernavaca in Mexico is reputed to be the city of the eternal spring with a great climate most of the year. Xochicalco is an archaeological zone that is one of the world heritage places we have in Mexico, Taxco is known for being a mining town with silversmiths that have specialized in silver works, but not only that, they have the most impressive barroque style church built in a record time.
Private guided tour to the Monarch Butterflies reserves 
Private guided tour to the Monarch Butterflies reserves 
$5,250.00 MXN
On winter time from November to March the monarch butterflies migrate to the oyamel forests in Michoacan and the State of Mexico where they remain in a state of semi-hibernation, where you can admire them depending on the climate in clusters in the trees or flying around you when the weather is optimal for them to fly.
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Nuestras mejores ofertas
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Puente Golden Gate</span><br>
Puente Golden Gate
$1,000.00 MXN
Siendo uno de los lugares más famosos de San Francisco, visitar el puente será una experiencia única. Aprende sobre su historia y su construcción con nuestras guías.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Vacaciones de inverno</span><br>
Vacaciones de inverno
$1,000.00 MXN
¿Ya planificaste tu vacaciones de invierno? ¿Todavía no? Permite que te ayudemos. Todo tipo de excursiones de invierno a precios accesibles para que tengas unas vacaciones inolvidables.